The simple musings of a gay gypsy soul...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Awkward first blog

Like the awkwardness of a first kiss, I entered into the mysterious and still bewildering world of the INTERNET in 1997. Only my first kiss came far more naturally! After a brief two year stint in Italy, I moved to the United States of America to complete my bachelors degree in Vocal Performance & Pedagogy. At the end of my first music history class, the dapper Prof in the bow-tie at the front of the room anounced that all papers were to be submitted "On-Line" with proper footnotes of all "INTERNET" references. Was I the only person in the lecture hall who didn't understand these words... uttered like a foreign language?

A sly but still rather foolish conversation with some other music students soon made me realize just how LOST I really was. I had just moved to America and had never heard of the Internet, Email or the World Wide Web... so like my first awkward kiss... I had to just go for it. The days of the shoe box full of poorly written stsudent papers was over and I was lost.

I quickly ran out and bought a "Word Processor" mistakenly thinking that it was a computer with Email and the Internet program stuff... only to quickly realize that I was a fool and the processor couldn't help me. The first semester was more than a little rough, but I am proud to say that after 10 years, I have graduated, have an email account and have been lured into the mystical and magical world of surfing, emailing, instant messaging and am now ready to blog!

A dear friend from my college years in the United States has a blog and has shown me hers. It's amazing and I love that it keeps me connected to her. I marvel at her pictures and her words and the ability she has to share those thoughts, those moments, feelings, experiences with the world. Having always been an advid journaler who loved the smell of paper and the feel of a weighted pen on fine paper... the transitiion to the world of the computer age has been both rewarding and somewhat disheartening however and so as I gradually transition into the world of blog... hmmm... I'm tentative.

so like that first kiss there's really nothing to do but to launch myself in with all the mistakes and long distance phone calls to the US for help that come with it. I'll save my paper journal for myself and my unmentionable journeys and endeavor to share with the world a little of myself as I search and seek out the others, like me, who feel a need to communicate and experience. Be patient with me and I'll try to keep things interesting along the way and learn a few tricks of the trade as I go.


1 comment:

Katherine said...

Szejn, so happy to find your new blog! I look forward to hearing your musings and seeing your sketches. Press forward, you will find many rewards.