The simple musings of a gay gypsy soul...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

My new ink

Well I said I was going to do it and I've done it. While in Vancouver celebrating the love of an old roomate and his wonderful partner and the occasion of their marriage I got my long planned for, thought about, sketched and re-sketched, pondered and dreamed about tattoo. It took about an hour and a half and despite being on my skinny back and right on the spin wasn't too bad at all. I got it done at Lotus Land in Kitsilano, Vancouver, BC.

I had a few other artists sketch things out for me but their visions never really matched the ones that I had sort of sketched out myself. I put a few of my rough sketches in an early entry here but when I got to Vancouver and talked to the artist and he brought the sketch back to me to take a look at it was finally right. What I wanted for myself, with a bit of flare from a good tattoo artist.

I think the colours are alive... it kind of feels like a window to my soul. The tree and the roots connected to a heart and all things sacred and loved. The delicate lotus flower that despite everything is remarkably strong. I love how the lotus on the bottom holds the earth. The fire and water up the side with the clouds and air at the top bring together the four elements. The bird seems happy... just does to me. The fence and the grain are awesome... bringing together two important aspects and people in my life.

I got it done last week and its healed up nicely... just in time... today is the 24th anniversary of my Mum's death. Where have all the years gone. Sometimes I still feel like the lost little boy who lost his Mother at 9 years of age. Now I have her on my back along with all the people and things that have helped to shape who and what I am.

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